Circle of Support Circles the World

May we introduce our friend, Heather Bench and her tremendous idea

                                      Circle of Support for Adoptive/Foster Families

By Heather Bench, Executive Director at New Family Tree and Adoptive Parent

                When my husband and I ventured into the process of adopting our daughter we were asked in our home study, “Who will be your support once you receive placement?”  Our answer came quickly and without much thought, “Of course, our family, our friends, and small group will all support us.”  And, thus, having this answer readily available we went on to the next question.

                 It was only after our second adoption that we began to realize how important real, authentic support is to a family and with that, how important certain qualities are in a family’s circle of support.  While most of the information I have put together is common sense, if we, as parents, are not intentional in our prayers, our thinking and our requests about what we need, we will not have a true safety net for our family.  Conversely, if our family, church, friends and employers are unaware of the need for intentional support, families still will be unsupported and outside the circle. They will feel isolated and alone.

                 I sat down to put my thoughts on paper with the belief that it would be shared via a DVD project.  God has taken it into a new direction and I must give him all the credit for these five qualities of a Circle of Support that can be used as a teaching tool. As this tool is discussed and built upon by many, I pray that it will offer the foundation for healthy, healing families in today’s difficult world.

From Jayne

We have taken Heather's idea and develped it into a tool that can be used by families as they are just beginning the jounrey.  Pass it on and let us know what you think.  We have shared this tool in Belaurs, Tennessee, Mississippi, California and in many areas around Ohio.  The parents and workers who have used it are very excited about it.  

If you would like the word document for this tool, please email at  

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